Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Carnival postponed this week

...until I get to feeling more curmudgeonly. I have "manana fever", have totally chilled out, and couldn't rant now if my life depended on it. I have been skipping over the rants I have read, but there seems to be a ranting hiatus throughout the right half of the blogosphere now. Of course, I don't read much in the left half, and their rants aren't of the curmudgeonly sort anyway, but the simple barking of moonbats during a full moon, or what they think is a full moon (probably reflections of a lit fart as seen through a tinfoil hat).

I was going to do some re-ranting, i.e., reposting old rants, but that ain't fair to my readers. I DID find a tequila that has an effective anti-curmudgeon potion in it. I'll share the name later in my Tequila Report, which I will post when I get around to it, maybe manana...


Blogger GUYK said...

About the only thing that I feel like ranting about is the islamic world and most everyone that rants about it says it better than I can


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